tiếng việt




Dear My Migoreng

Here we go!! This is our 3rd year here in Jakarta Indonesia. We are so excited especially with New upgrade production line and Taiwanese group. Not sure what we will got but at least we seen you there again.



This year we are focusing on shower and bidet that we are doing for long time ago. However, something new from this year. We are now finally have a little bit brake through and got new way to gain our competitive power in the market. Follow advises and suggestions from all our customer and true friend.

Yes, we hear you guys already!! 

We start a new production line with new special parts which might help bit to upgrade bathroom life for customer. More easy, more convenient, more interesting…..because we are making it all Twiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisting!!!  Already



Shower and Bidet with  “360°Twisting” could make our bathroom life a lot easily due to it could overcome kinky hose, block turning of shower head and also gain the flexibility of hose it selves when with high water pressure



Although we know some of our product already have this feature long time ago and some customer might already get familiar to with this feature. However, this is new type of feature is also replaceable which mean that might be one day you suffering head shower  or bidet broken incidentally, we could replace new head and continue with 360° twisting feature( cannot find in previous type), more satisfy tasting. 



Therefore, with this exhibition, we also want to share our new information in our first stop this year, JAKARTA INDONESIA. Now at least you have new choice^_^ and don't worry about what you buy, you buy new, you buy convenient, you buy twistinggggggggggggg!!!



See you soon my friend

By the way…..next stop-----LAOS!!!  We are coming


Frank Tsai